
Hello Mac Mad'ers, and potential Mad Mac'ers! I must confess that there isn't one single blog that I read regularly, and for sure there isn't one I post to at all - until now! Hooray for old dogs learning new tricks. If you are reading this, the Mad Mac Board thanks you heartily for visiting our new website. We are very interested in feedback and in member contributions. Contact any of the board members for more information. We're also looking for an at-large member to fill a vacant position. Check the Mad Mac Constitution for the exact duties of this position, but mainly it involves meeting with the board once a month over dinner, helping decide on meeting presentation topics and presenters, and getting to know each other better.

On behalf of Mad Mac I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to one of our members who will be celebrating her 90th trip around the Sun on spaceship Earth July 17th.  "Mibs" has been an active member of the group since at least 2005 and asks really great questions at our meetings...and at times helps answer them, too.  Happy Birthday!

Having grown up in St. Louis, MO and also having lived in northeast Alabama for a few years one would think I could handle hot, humid weather with aplomb. Not the case! The last few weeks have been hard on me and I've had very little energy (or good humor) to devote to all things Mac. I understand that there are TWO movies about Steve Jobs' life in development, one starring the former Mr. Demi Moore. Color me skeptical of Ashton Kutcher's ability to portray Steve Jobs, but I suppose anything is possible.

Thanks for understanding about this month's "newsletter" - I plan to return to the full newsletter for August. As always I'd love to include snippets written by our members about things you've learned, projects you've done with your Mac, reviews of apps, books, manuals - send 'em on over!

Stay cool, and hope to see you Wednesday at the Sequoya Library.

Holly McEntee
Mad Mac Sec'y and newsletter editor

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