During the Q&A section of tonight's meeting, someone asked what the differences were between the Mail program that comes with the latest version of the Mac operating system (10.8, Mountain Lion) and earlier versions. We went to Mail's "Help" menu and chose "What's New in Mail?"to provide some answers.
One of the new features discussed was how to make a sender a VIP and it contained a clickable linkwith instructions for doing so. As the demo guy, I clicked on that link, then followed the instructions to use a test e-mail from SWAG Secretary Holly McEntee as the springboard for designating her as a VIP. And that's where we left it at the meeting.
The gratification came when I got home and fired up Mail. Lo, there was a new "VIPs" mailbox in my sidebar, with a sub-folder for Holly within it, and all previous messages from her moved into it.
Bear in mind that this was my desktop computer, my iMac, not the MacBook Pro laptop on which I'd done the demo. Apple synced my 2 Mail programs up for me automatically.
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